Port and Maritime Systems Simulation
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Model Harboursim

Very often port authorities are dealing with port extensions or developments of new satellite ports to satisfy the demand of increasing ship traffic.To check whether the new port or extension of an existing port satisfies the design requirements, PMSS in cooperation with Delft University of Technology developed a simulation tool, HARBOURSIM, to estimate the capacity of the port.

The model HARBOURSIM is a generally applicable simulation model.
The model covers the wet infrastructure of a port and simulates the vessel movements in this area.
The model is used to estimate the capacity of the wet infrastructure.
Generally the capacity of a port is dependent on the dimensions of the approach area, tidal conditions traffic patterns and terminal facilities.
With minor adaptations nearly each port in the world can be represented.
Further because of the modular structure of this model it is possible to insert detailed models of terminals. A layout example is given in the next figure.

The components of the model

The following components showed in the "System Approach of the Model Harboursim" can be mentioned:

 The general configuration of the model

 Examples of model output

The Model Harboursim covers the wet infrastructure of the port and approach channel. The model simulates the vessel movements in the area. With minor adaptations nearly each port in the world can be represented. Because of the modular structure it is posible to insert detailed models of terminals.